Because we love them at the same time that they bring us head. There is nothing like having natural flowers at home, right? But surely, from time to time, doubts have arisen about what is the best way to care for a bouquet of natural flowers in order to enjoy it a little more.

Keep calm! We are here to tell you the most important steps to open precious.So that you can enjoy bouquets at home for many days, we want to share 5 tips for taking care of natural flowers. Once you put them into practice there will be no one to stop you! Flower that enters the house flower that will last and last 😉 

How to take care of a bouquet of natural flowers?  

1. A little air for the flowersThe doorbell rings. A smile is drawn on your face. Yes, it's your Colvin bouquet. Our commitment to quality means making sure your bouquet arrives perfect. That is why, as soon as you open the box, you will see that your bouquet is well secured so that no movement can affect it and it is also wrapped in our kraft paper and a soaker to keep each of the stems well hydrated along the way. Once here, you will only have to give your flowers a little air. Keep in mind that they have gone all the way in their little box and need to breathe. 

2. Cut the stems diagonally Once you've removed the kraft paper and soaker, it's time to cut the stems. Important not to go overboard with the scissors!  You will only have to cut them about 2 fingers and diagonally. This will give them a little boost of vitality and it will be much easier for them to drink water and stay hydrated. 

3. Fresh water Did you know that the vase and the water is something super important so that your bouquet of natural flowers lasts longer? Before placing the flowers in your favorite vase, remember to clean it well. This step will be vital so that the stems do not absorb substances that they should not. When you have it shiny, fill it with water without letting it touch the flowers, covering the stems is more than enough. 

4. It's time for nutrients Your bouquet of natural flowers will come well protected and comfortable in its box, but it will not arrive alone. It will be accompanied by 2 bags of nutrients ready to make your life a little easier. These little packets make the flowers happy and strong in an easy way: you just have to open the bag and put it in the water. Do you know that you can also make nutrients at home? If you have followed all these steps and you have also made sure that your bouquet of flowers is in the best possible environmental conditions, you may need extra nutrients to extend its life a little more. If you no longer have any bags left, we are going to give you great news: you can make them at home. And you will only need 3 ingredients that you surely have lying around: water, sugar and lemon. 

5. Enjoy your bouquet of natural flowers! The best time of all has come. We know that you already had room for the bouquet thinking for several days. So all you have to do is place it there and see how the flowers open and become beautiful.

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